Page name: crew manual [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-10-12 13:37:35
Last author: kians mummy
Owner: kians mummy
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A wiki created by [kians mummy]



This wiki was created by [kians mummy] to be a neutral ground for discussion between the crew of Elftown and regular Elftowners. Some members of the community have recently aired concerns regarding how Elftown is being run and the purpose of this wiki page is to provide a safe environment where Elftowners can communicate with the crew. They can post questions, share their experiences and help make Elftown a better place. This is not a place to bully or harass other members.

The page was not created to offend anyone, we just want the crew to know our concerns. Thank you.


We wish to enhance communication between members of the crew and regular members, and to improve the community as a whole by making the process of giving feedback run more smoothly.


A united Elftown where members feel that they can approach the crew about their concerns.


What We Expect From the Crew

1. When talking to members of Elftown
Always be respectful, it goes a long way.

2. When responding to problems a member may have
<img:stuff/egchar_tgif_bullet_diamondgemblue01.gif> If a member breaks the Uploading Art Rules, do not be too hasty in banning them. Be reasonable with people and they might not do it again.
<img:stuff/egchar_tgif_bullet_diamondgemblue01.gif> If a member asks questions about how to run a wiki or use the pseudo HTML, remember there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.
<img:stuff/egchar_tgif_bullet_diamondgemblue01.gif> Try to refrain from using sarcasm.

3. When making Elftown a safe place to be
<img:stuff/egchar_tgif_bullet_diamondgemblue01.gif> Harassment of other members should result in a 1 year ban.
<img:stuff/egchar_tgif_bullet_diamondgemblue01.gif> Do not continue giving second chances to people who bring misery to others for their own enjoyment.

4. When doing your regular work
<img:stuff/egchar_tgif_bullet_diamondgemblue01.gif> Remember the golden rule, one should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.


Administrator & True Founder

[kians mummy] - Manager

General Staff

- Design/Maintainer


this page is no longer for random chat, if you want that then go to bored???, please refrain from harassing the staff of this wikipage, or other members who participate in the comment section, also please refrain from using any large text or wiki links

[djxmonster] : banned perminantly

support the guards
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This index (category) has only one listed wiki-page:

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2011-05-17 [Thunder Cid]: That's very noble and I applaud you for that.

2011-05-17 [Mystin]: I made a wiki with my deadwood poem on it.

2011-05-17 [Linderel]: Also, I second what Cid said. That is something worth applauding.

2011-05-17 [Mystin]: Thanks, it really was a breakthrough wiki for me. I just want the old elftown back where a conversation is taken place. Not sarcasm, not figure it out for yourself. [kians mummy] does not make these wikis to insult the council, I promise you she doesn't. She just feels it was wrong that her husband got banned and thinks some things on this site should change, starting with the crew who is impolite and short with members.

2011-05-17 [Chimes]: We don't ban people without good reason. :/

2011-05-17 [Thunder Cid]: I remember Matt all to well. In fact I remember trying to help him with his application for crew and try to find work. I also remember friends of mine reporting him for harassment about naked pictures.

2011-05-17 [Mystin]: Right, but doesn't everyone deserve a second chance?

2011-05-17 [Nioniel]: 4. How to make elftowners feel safe
[This community can bring many walks of life and we the community do not want to cyber. Elftown should make a note that if anyone harass another they should be blocked permanently.
All too often, second chances are given to people who get joy out of bringing misery to others

Isn't this the exact kind of situation that was meant when this was posted to the page? O.o

2011-05-17 [Thunder Cid]: Personally I believe they do. Just remember that the crew (council) have no control over who get's banned or unbanned. Our job(s) is to simply maintain the official wikis on ET.

2011-05-17 [Mystin]: All I'm saying is sometimes, myself included have gotten personally involved with a member and it doesn't work out so one might try to get rid of them. By having them off the site, they feel better. It's kind of like on facebook when you make it private so no one you don't like or know can see it. I understand it's not up to you all to grant second chances, I just wanted you to know where she's coming from. People change, I am not anywhere near the same person I used to be and he might have changed too. Sometimes we do or say stupid things we don't mean and we grow from those things. If we banned people forever how forgiving are we really?

2011-05-17 [Chimes]: That does go against number 4, which you wrote though.

2011-05-17 [Mystin]: I know, I was wrong at the time. I've changed, people change was my point in saying that. If you want to harden your heart that's ok but if the worst bully was crying I would have compassion for him.

2011-05-17 [Nioniel]: People can change, but they don't always choose to.

2011-05-17 [Thunder Cid]: I understand where she is coming from and you make some excellent points, but remember that there could have been issues that neither of us know about that made this a permanent ban.

2011-05-17 [Mystin]: Well let me just say that I do appreciate the fact that you all are willing to listen to our views. It is admirable.

2011-05-18 [Alexi Ice]: Mystin - If you wish to talk about Sammie's 'finacee' I was around during that issue and know a number of reasons why he was removed from our community. You can PM me <3

2011-05-18 [windowframe]: Akane, you are not a guard and therefore aren't really qualified to make such an offer regarding a guard issue.

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: [Nioniel] he has changed, alot, since something bad happend to him, witch i don't wish to say, i haven't even told my best friend on here [Mystin] he has changed alot

[Alexi Ice] i do not wish for you to be telling members about my fiance.

[windowframe] you and only you can tell [Mystin] about him, not any other guard as i can fully trust you

2011-05-18 [djxmonster]: Hate to break it to you guys but [Alexi Ice] can say whatever she wants... as long as it's in a private setting. Just because someone gets banned, doesn't mean others can't talk about them... not a 'guard issue'

2011-05-18 [windowframe]: Of course she can say what she wants, but I'd prefer it if she made clear that she's doing so personally, and not as a representative of the Guards. I'm just pointing out that she doesn't actually know the ins and outs of what happened from an official point of view.

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: very true

2011-05-18 [Thunder Cid]: @[Mystin]: No worries. Now that we cleared up the guard vs. council responsibilities and the old crew ways vs. new crew ways, what are some other issues we need to tackle together?

2011-05-18 [Mystin]: I think we are going in the right direction. Therefore with approval from [kians mummy], I will close this forum.

2011-05-18 [Thunder Cid]: Fair enough.

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: what forum lol

2011-05-18 [Mystin]: I mean this page, unless you there is something you want to add. We have all been on here bitching and whining for too long to some guards who don't even have anything to do with this miscommunication. The site was created so we can share art, poems, & create fun and exciting wikis. I feel shamed in the fact that my first intention from being here was to earn a badge and maybe if I try harder I can in the future. I simply feel that a lot of the issues I personally had surrounding this wiki have been mostly resolved. The members of the council are innocent in most what has been happening. They're featuring new people and making every effort to help support my cause. With that said, my part on this wiki is completed.

2011-05-18 [Thunder Cid]: Nicely said. While we are on the topic of sharing I'd love to see more of your work and remember that if you need anything please do not hesitate to contact me.

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: well its still like, they don't give a chance, i mean my fiance has been off here over a year now and still not been aloud back on, and he really enjoyed it on here because he felt welcome, and he has changed and is sorry, but [Hedda] will not give him one very last chance, yes he did fuck up in the past but the past is past and people change, bad things happen what sometimes bring out the goodness of a person, this has happend to him, so you can go, however this wiki is staying for now, as if any other members have problems with the crew, i'm here to support them.

2011-05-18 [Mystin]: Thank you, I appreciate that!

2011-05-18 [Akayume]: Unfortunately the crew can't unban members. :/ That would be something that [Hedda] would decide, or having dealings with the guards about. For instance, I can't ban someone, and likewise I can't unban them.

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: the guards will just ignore it like they ignored the report i posted on his profile

2011-05-18 [Mystin]: If you feel that need to do that, I will have no choice but to report you to [Hedda] for harassing the council & I really do not want to do so. You fiance had reasonable cause to be banned and we can talk for hours about second chances but I didn't know him personally so I am at no place to defend him. What happens next is up to you.

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: what are you on about, i was told to do so by a crew member, feel the need to do what, who have i harrassed

2011-05-18 [Thunder Cid]: Woah now let's think this through without reports. No one is being harassed here.

2011-05-18 [windowframe]: We didn't ignore the report, Sammie, we dealt with it - I informed you of the decision not to unban him myself, so I know you know that it was dealt with. :)

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: oh yeah, cid, i'm so confused, how have i herrassed anyone

2011-05-18 [Thunder Cid]: Like I said no one harassed anyone. We are simply here to work out our differences in a calm and rational manner.

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: yeah, thats what i made this for, thats all

2011-05-18 [Thunder Cid]: Very good. Now Silvie gave you the answer you were seeking about the ban and I'm sorry it can not be fixed at this moment. Now do we have any other issues that can be worked out or is there anything else that needs to be explained?

2011-05-18 [Mystin]: Am I supposed to be upset that you ended your relation with me? You know there's one thing that's wrong about with you being a never know when to back down. If your not happy on Elftown because your fiance isn't on here, maybe you should leave too.

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: why does it take so long to get on the crew? full details

2011-05-18 [Chimes]: Every case is different so that question in impossible to answer. :/

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: [Mystin] i did this as you said i was herrasing who ever, when i wasn't, it was your own doing, i am happy on here, i have never said i'm not, you have, i don't wish to leave.

now, unless you have anything related to this page to say, pm me instead

2011-05-18 [Akayume]: It's not so much that it takes a long time to get on crew, Sammie. It has a lot to do with how long you've been on the site and what you've contributed. Also, we're "trainees" before we're "full council", and that can take a while (since you need to learn all the ins and outs and whatnot). It'd be silly to have several trainees who need help but not enough time to devote to help them and get them going. :/

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: [Chimes] but i know its going to take for ever for me to become crew and i probably won't even get on, as i think it was scid who once said that my chances are slim

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: thats what i mean, i want to become a trainee so i can learn the inns and outs of elftown

2011-05-18 [Akayume]: Right, but you haven't been on the site a long time in general, you see. :/

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: but i know quite alot about it, that should cover it

2011-05-18 [Akayume]: And we have three trainees, currently. But if you've been here a long time, we know you're dedicated to the site. So we know you won't get bored and leave.

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: and thats an odd number

2011-05-18 [Thunder Cid]: Yes I said slim, but not impossible. Now there are tons of ways we can probably work together to at least help fix what the general membership on ET have seen of you. I know we can do this because I have faith that we can turn all of this ill will around.

2011-05-18 [Flisky]: I think she meant the ins and outs of being on council. Before you are considered for council, you have to know the ins and outs of Elftown first. Have you contributed to nominations of features, been on the forums, helped with non-official wikis, run contests, entered official contest, etc? Start there, and build up your reputation. It's what I did. ^_^

2011-05-18 [Akayume]: Thanks for clarifying Flisky. (: And there's nothing wrong with odd numbers, Sammie. We don't have a "trainee quota". :P There are so many ways to contribute that don't involve being on council, and honestly elftown needs those more.

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: look what [Mystin] just did to my wiki i like to be naked

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: i do know alot about elftown, i enter polls, competitions, all sorts, i create useful wikis even

[Thunder Cid] i would love to turn the ill will around

2011-05-18 [Mystin]: I have reported you directly [kians mummy] as all my images are copyrighted by conner music llc and you cannot use them unless I let you. Therefore, you have no grounds for a report according to sunrose.

2011-05-18 [Akayume]: Sammie, that is s something the guards deal with. Feel free to make a report, but council members cannot help you. :/

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: you added them [Mystin] so at the end of the day, you gave the permission, so there for, you are a liar.

and the guards will see the changes that you did, and also see the art you put on and who it was edited by

2011-05-18 [Thunder Cid]: Very good then. Now may I suggest the first thing we can do is get you informed about some of the current competitions going on.

2011-05-18 [Mystin]: Why don't you tell the council about all the porn of your fiance you have been sending me, how about that huh?

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: i have done most of them lol

2011-05-18 [Chimes]: Unless Sammie is uploading it to Elftown, it's really none of our business. If she is, it would be a guard issue, not a council issue.

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: you mean one pic, that he gave me permission to send, and also, well we are on that subject, the guards can also read your messages, and mine.

now, you are herrassing me, any comments from you on any of my wikis will be deleted, any editing from you on my wikis will be reported

2011-05-18 [Akayume]: While they can, that doesn't mean they do. :/ I'm sure they weigh the facts before they do and do not treat the matter lightly.

2011-05-18 [Mystin]: Thank you for admitting it. Here's the thing though, Hedda doesn't put up with bullshit and will most like ban both of us so if I were you I would drop it.

2011-05-18 [Chimes]: Sammie, not all guards can read messages. Nor do they do so unless it is necessary. :) (I, for example, can't read messages.)

2011-05-18 [Thunder Cid]: Very good. Competitions are a fantastic way of showing that you are devoted to ET.

Next, always think of ways to improve your application. The application is one of the most critical pieces on your road to the crew so it is crucial that it is always fine tuned.

2011-05-18 [Thunder Cid]: [Mystin]...[kians mummy]. Let's put the differences aside. It is better to go our separate ways in peace than keep this up. Reports have been made by both of you so it would be in your alls best interest to leave it up to the guards now.

2011-05-18 [Mystin]: I went ahead and gave her my permission <3

2011-05-18 [Thunder Cid]: Very good.

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: [Mystin] i have not bull shitted once, i have been up front, as i always have, you did destroy the wiki, so there for i reported you, thats all i have reported you for, but i'm going to leave this up to the guards now, so any comments on this matter will be deleted

2011-05-18 [Mystin]: With that said, I told some of the council I would be shortly leaving after the Easter festival, so I guess now would be a good time to do so. Thank you all for your support and I wish this site the very best in all future endeavors.

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: well thats the wrong way to go, we do like you here, i like you, you have helped me with alot

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: i can't think of any other ways to do my wiki as it is all full up of detail

2011-05-18 [Thunder Cid]: Oh I see plenty that can be done. I can't tell you exactly, but just remember that short and sweet is sometime the best way to go. Also you are allowed to look at the way accepted crew members applications are set up. That may spark some ideas for you.

2011-05-18 [kians mummy]: thanks, i will do some tomorrow i think

2011-05-18 [Thunder Cid]: Very good.

2011-05-18 [Layre]: Wow, nice work getting my best friend to leave >.<

2011-05-18 [Alexi Ice]: I wasn't talking from an official stand point BTW. (As Sammie seems to stalk the guard page I figured she knew I wasn't a guard) I'm talking from a personal standpoint. ^^ I'm sorry if I confused anyone.

2011-05-18 [Mortified Penguin]: NNNOOOO!!! [Mystin] hadn't even gone to Bob's Diner yet!

2011-05-18 [Mystin]: Just because I put goodbye on my house doesn't mean I've left for good. I'm still working on my wikis a bit. Also [kians mummy] I'm working on my photobucket so make sure you save wiki images. Again, I don't like that guy on bob's diner no offense...he's kinda a jerk.

2011-05-18 [Mortified Penguin]: What, that Turkey guy? He's hardly ever even there.

2011-05-18 [Mystin]: I just don't see who hoop la about the wiki, it's makes no sense lol

2011-05-18 [Mortified Penguin]: The purpose of Bob's Diner is to be purposeless and to harass Misty and other purposeful things like that. We also strive to be the most powerful wiki on Elftown, but since that doesn't really make any sense, it's a little hard to do. But we have a comment based economy, so we must constantly get new commenters, as well as more comments from the old commenters, or we'll slump into a harsh depression and be forced to eat [nokaredes]'s face.

2011-05-19 [Mystin]: I see, fascinating. I just don't see how I can contribute to that wiki.

2011-05-19 [Mortified Penguin]: By commenting? Each comment, no matter how pointless, gets us one step closer to our goal of... well, I don't really know what our goal is. But we'll be one step closer to finding out! Unless our goal is never letting ourselves find out what our goal is. In which case, we don't have to take no guff from ourselves! If we want to find out that our goal is never letting ourselves find out that this is our goal, then who are we to stop us?! Why should we have to listen to ourselves?! ...*punches himself*... *a scuffle breaks out*...

2011-05-19 [Akayume]: <img100*0:>

2011-05-19 [Mortified Penguin]: Those suppositories never help with my cough.

2011-05-19 [Mystin]: Alright, I'll leave a comment! :-)

2011-05-19 [Mystin]: @[Alexi Ice] I only ended relations with you cause we didn't talk, it had nothing to do with anything personally. I just thought I should clarify that.

2011-05-19 [djxmonster]: We all know that already :p

2011-05-19 [Mystin]: Question, it says your retired for now. Are you coming back full time?

2011-05-19 [djxmonster]: Me? Not likely

2011-05-19 [Mystin]: You should, your awesome.

2011-05-19 [djxmonster]: Why on earth would you say that?

2011-05-19 [Mystin]: I can just kinda tell by your demeanor that you really care about this community and want to make a difference here.

2011-05-19 [djxmonster]: lol

2011-05-19 [djxmonster]: <img:>

2011-05-19 [Mystin]: Why is that funny or is that a smile?!

2011-05-19 [Alexi Ice]: Dj is an evil monster who will eat your soul! LOL. (Actually I don't even know them all that well) hahaha!

That's ok, I read your diary. I'm very busy with work and preparing to go back to school so I don't really have time to keep up steady conversations with people outside my text messaging contacts. lol

2011-05-19 [Mortified Penguin]: I have relations with people who haven't been seen in years. Why would you feel the need to get rid of them anyway?

2011-05-19 [Alexi Ice]: Akane has questions! Since not all of the crew need these kinds of guidelines (as stated above) why not make a general Elftowner manual? I know a number of regular members who break these rules (maybe not the banning one which is not something the crew deals with anyway.) Also the 'golden rule' part could stand for some elaboration (I actually had to google it to know what was going on.)

Honestly, I find it a lot less..evasive and demeaning if someone approached me directly. It's like when a teacher assigns you a project with other students. If you have a problem with one student in the group wouldn't it be more productive to approach that person directly instead of pointing fingers at the entire group? It sound like you would get a much better response if that were the case ^^'

But that's all just IMO.

2011-05-19 [Mortified Penguin]: It's hard though, to approach the person directly and address their flaws, because that could be mistaken as harassment if done incorrectly. I can certainly see why Sammie would point fingers at the group as a whole, but it's still wrong to do so. The proper thing to do would be to tactfully address each person's flaws with them in private messages and, if the problem persists, find where they live and take a sledgehammer to their car. If this doesn't work, your only remaining option is taking hostages. That should certainly convince them to hand over the diamonds. Unless I'm mistaken about what we're discussing here, that should definitely work and, with little to no hostages killed, you should have the diamonds for your massive drill, so you can bore your way into the Earth's crust, igniting the volcanoes and destroying Hawaii.

2011-05-19 [Alexi Ice]: Diamonds do sound nice *contemplates the hostage idea*

2011-05-19 [kians mummy]: this wiki is not for random chat, i created this wiki for members to have some where to go and sort there problems out with the crew

2011-05-19 [Alexi Ice]: We aren't random chatting. I had a legitimate question. Then Mort distracted me...regardless, my question is still legit.

2011-05-19 [windowframe]: Maybe you should restate your question, Akane, it might have got lost in the chatter. :P

2011-05-19 [Alexi Ice]: Sorry; hostages are always tempting! Here's my question;

Akane has questions! Since not all of the crew need these kinds of guidelines (as stated above) why not make a general Elftowner manual? I know a number of regular members who break these rules (maybe not the banning one which is not something the crew deals with anyway.) Also the 'golden rule' part could stand for some elaboration (I actually had to google it to know what was going on.)

2011-05-19 [kians mummy]: i am working on it, i may need silvies help though x)

2011-05-19 [Alexi Ice]: The elaboration part? That's easy ^^

'Keep in mind that you should do onto others as you would have them do onto you.' [I.E. Everyone wants to be treated fairly. Being kind and cooperative will most likely assure that you are not met with less than friendly comments] (Or something along those lines?)

2011-05-19 [kians mummy]: yeah, i understand that

2011-05-19 [Mystin]: For my own personal reasons, I absolutely will not re-upload the badge for this wiki given the fact I no longer support it. Sorry Sammie.

2011-05-19 [kians mummy]: [Mystin] its ok, i don't mind, that is your perogative

2011-05-19 [Mystin]: Thank you for understanding. Also, sorry for random chat. This will be my last comment on here.

2011-05-19 [kians mummy]: [mystin, you are welcome on here for random chat, the crew and members can come on here and talk with each other.

2011-05-19 [Alexi Ice]: **allowed

2011-05-19 [kians mummy]: *confused*

2011-05-19 [Mystin]:


2011-05-19 [Alexi Ice]: Sorry. Lol! You misspelled allowed in your note up there ^^

2011-05-19 [hanhepi]: on the page you have "...random chat is now aloud on this wiki...", you used the wrong form of the word "allowed". "aloud" means "with the speaking voice", or "out loud"(ex: to read aloud from a book.")

2011-05-19 [kians mummy]: no i didn't, its english spelling

2011-05-19 [Mystin]: Please don't argue!!! *cries in corner*

2011-05-19 [Akayume]: It is English, but it's the wrong word. :P

Those homonyms can be tricky!

2011-05-19 [Alexi Ice]: Well not misspelled but misused..>>

2011-05-19 [Akayume]: I'm sure you could ask [Chimes] or [windowframe] and they'd tell you the same. (:

2011-05-19 [hanhepi]: its a homophone both in the UK and America, and both versions of the homophone have separate and distinct meanings, that you really should familiarize yourself with before assuming everyone on earth except yourself is wrong. same thing with their/there/they're. those aren't the different spellings by country, they all mean something different. and if you don't believe me, feel free to check a dictionary printed in your country.

2011-05-19 [windowframe]: Technically homonyms also share the same spelling and pronunciation, if they just share the same pronunciation then they're homophones. Thus, all homonyms are homophones, but not all homophones are homonyms. 'Set' is probably the best homonym I can think of right now.

2011-05-19 [hanhepi]: homonyms are like "right" (as the direction and as the synonym for 'correct') or "pen" (as a writing instrument and a place to put critters.), and homophones are like write/right/rite, there/their/they're. am i getting this right? (and who said homonym?)

2011-05-19 [windowframe]: Yeah, your are Han. It was Akay who said homonym. :)

2011-05-19 [hanhepi]: woo hoooo! headlines will read: An American grasps yet another concept of grammar! oh, yeah, she did didn't she. i see it now. :)

2011-05-19 [Akayume]: XP Shush. I was close. :P At least I saw some correlation...

2011-05-19 [Alexi Ice]: Mystin - Did you make the graphic? It's super cool!

2011-05-19 [Mystin]: Yeah, I want a graphic on here that was cool. I've made up w/ [kians mummy]. We have our ups and downs but I promised to help with this wiki and i like to be naked so yeah :-)

2011-05-19 [Alexi Ice]: Cool! I really like it ^^ Hehehe

2011-05-19 [Mystin]: Thanks! I'll help anyone with graphics if I support the wiki or think it benefits Elftown. If I don't...I won't lol.

2011-05-19 [Alexi Ice]: Ohhhhh....I'm PMing you now ^^

2011-05-20 [Mystin]:

Hey guys, please vote on our polls. We would appreciate any feedback you have to offer. Thank you!!

2011-05-20 [Mystin]: Big thumbs down to these full page ads that keep popping up all over Elftown. Frankly, it's annoying!

2011-05-20 [Layre]: I agree it's annoying! So my name is Ian and I've been on here a long time too and I just want to see if we can talk about some of the pros and cons of ET. No community is perfect and I think it would be good for us to let this wiki be a place to discuss those issues.

2011-05-20 [Mystin]: Hey Ian, if you need any help w/graphics or something let me know. Your house is so empty lol.

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: Don't take the c.u.r.e. is my personal war against ET snobbery and the insulting way "elite" or "advanced" roleplayers treat RPGers on ET who are currently not as good at roleplaying and trying to get better.

I don't universally support any specific individual idea on this wiki, but I ABSOLUTELY support Crew Manual's right to protest the system and address grievances with the government of Elftown.

With [kians mummy] 's permission I'd like to link this page to my own.

2011-05-21 [kians mummy]: [Sideways] you have my permission

2011-05-21 [Mystin]: Thank you all for your feedback. I will do my very best to start new banners, borders, & graphics in a transparent gif. Thanks again for your feedback.

2011-05-21 [Artsieladie]: Actually, the transparent "GIF" format sucks. The PNG can also be used with images that have transparent backgrounds AND the PNG is a much, much, much better format to use than the sucky GIF. If Elftown Graphics prides itself for accepting ONLY good quality images, it certainly would seem that the format to be preferred would be the PNG, rather than rigidly adhering to only accepting those sucky GIFs. :/

2011-05-21 [Chimes]: I think gifs are used 'cause people with older browsers get really ugly backgrounds on pngs. My house looks really ugly on old browsers. :P

2011-05-21 [Artsieladie]: Yeah, but they would have to be REALLY older browsers now and how many people would still be using the OLD browsers?

By using the much older browsers, users put their computers at an added risk, because the older browsers are no longer maintained or if so, not very well, which adds to a computer's vulnerability, making it easier for online vultures to hack into a user's computer. It would be to the user's advantage if they were encouraged to upgrade to the latest version of their browser.

Also, a single short sentence or two pertaining to this, which could advise people using older browsers, to select the "GIF" format, and that if they upgrade their browser to the latest version, they could not only select the better PNG format, but by doing so, it would be better and safer for their computer, as well.

Also, the badges are now being made as PNGs.

These are just a few valid and reasonable points in support of allowing the PNG format "in addition to" the GIF format. 

2011-05-21 [Nioniel]: *raises hand* I do.

2011-05-21 [Mystin]: Wow! Now people talk after the fact LOL

2011-05-21 [Mystin]: As the co-owner of this wiki I will speak for [kians mummy] & let you guys know that we are want to keep this wiki because we find it as a safe haven to speak about various topics and issues regarding Elftown. Again, it's not meant to offend anyone and frankly if you don't find it helpful you can stop coming here. Peace & Love! <3

2011-05-21 [Artsieladie]: [Nioniel]: For your own protection and/or that of your computer, which hosts all of, not only whatever information YOU place on it pertaining to yourself, but also hosts ALL of the communication that comes into it from those you communicate WITH, it would be to both your benefit and those you communicate with, to upgrade to the latest version of not only your browser, but all the other programs you use on your computer as well, as much as possible. Even with the best security program, the user must also work in conjunction with it, to stay vigilant in keeping one's computer free from hackers. :o

[Mystin]: Very good! As long as the doors of communication are kept open, there is always hope for things to improve and/or become rectified. :)

2011-05-22 [Lord Josmar]: I have a question. It may sound non-friendly and I apologize if it does because that is not my intention. You say that we should go easier on those people who break the Uploading Art Rules but should be harsh and deal quick justice to those that wish to cyber, how is that fair?

2011-05-22 [Mystin]: The uploading art rules makes sense. It's someone sharing an image or something they like or sometimes find funny. They may not be up to the rules or new and make an honest mistake. Cybering is a direct harassment to members on this site and if they want to engage in that kind of activity, the member should be on a sister site like fake. Elftown is about the community and sharing RP, Fantasy, & Art. It is not about cybering. I do however believe in second chances on certain situations. i.e.- misunderstanding between members.

2011-05-22 [Akayume]: So where do you draw the line, between harassment and not? Give me an example of cybering/harassment and something similar that you don't think is harassment, for my clarification. (:

2011-05-22 [Mystin]: Harassment is when someone keeps pressing someone to do something they don't want to or have reservations about doing so. It's basically when a member messages me something like 'do you want to cyber? *pushes against the wall and starts kissing*' and I send them a message saying no and they right back continuing the cybering. At this point, they are blatantly disregarding my opposition on this and it's harassment. The line is drawn when they keep on keeping on. A misunderstanding would be something like 'I want to make out with you, your so hot'. That is not cybering, it's a compliment that may be unwanted but not warranted as harassment because they are not trying to push themselves on anyone. Is that clear enough for you?

2011-05-22 [Akayume]: "Is that clear enough for you?" No need to get haughty. O.o Gosh.

So asking someone to cyber, sending that initial message, is fine? Or asked someone you've never met for naked pictures? Or sending naked pictures of yourself to others is fine?
Or is that a misunderstanding instead?

2011-05-22 [Mystin]: I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to sound that way! If you ask someone to cyber that's not ok. Really all of that stuff should be done on fake period. I mean I understand fantasy role playing but that's an entirely different category. If you are asking about my i like to be naked it is entirely based on the user to submit pictures and we don't harass anyone there or at so hot expose.

2011-05-22 [Akayume]: Ahhhh, I see.

2011-05-22 [Lord Josmar]: I do believe I understand as well. I do see a lot of people getting some second chances on here, and most of the art rules violators are still on. But sometimes they have to draw the line, like constantly repeating offenders or people who verbally attack the guards over the item deletion.

2011-05-22 [Mystin]: I do agree. It is disrespectful and unnecessary to be foul to the guards for doing their job. I respect that Elftown gives us the ability to make our own graphics and have some freedom in that sense. It wouldn't be fair if we stole images from google, anime, or deviantart and the artist gets no credit.

2011-05-22 [Lord Josmar]: I think the biggest problem with the art rules is that balancing creativity and self-expression against copyright infringement is not easy and so some people feel it works while others feel like they are being stifled, I just dont see any other way it could work.

2011-05-22 [Mystin]: Well I think people get personally offended when they should realize that everyone follows the rules. It's like the situation I had with the graphics. If I was allowed to submit with the default background, everyone else would take a mile because they let me. I understand exactly where your coming from.

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: But how do you feel about people who have been banned, on the same username, more than seven times? Including clones houses, I believe it's well over 30 bans. Probably more. And they're still allowed to be here. After being banned for harassment, stealing art, spamming, and breaking pretty much every one of Elftown's rules. Do you have a problem with that person?!

2011-05-22 [Paul Doyle]: And to answer your poll's question, the extent of the crew's "corruption" or what have you, is a drop in the bucket compared to the way things were on ET up until a couple years ago. Just browse through the archived contests and you'll see stuff that was worth protesting. And people found several ways of protesting. Notice, for example, the drastic drop-off in contest entry quality/quantity . . . even before so many constructive ET'ers wound up decreasing their presence on ET, or leaving this website altogether? If most non inner-circle people are seeing the same problems with certain things with the powers-that-be, then they are probably correct. (And I think it's abundantly clear by now that only a small vocal handful of people have issues with the current crew.)

However, than being said, even I can see the current crew has made huge strides getting their own stuff straightened out. I still believe this website has a lot of potential. Why should we be pounding away at the current crew when they are doing an admirable job making Elftown a better place? In my opinion, the blatant snobbery and elitism on this website has plummeted even faster than the dropoff of active ET users. And that's a good thing! So I say we acknowledge the bullshit that happened in the past on ALL sides, learn from it (after all nobody's an angel on this website!) and come together to make Elftown a happier, more fun place to be. Less windmill-chasing, more cohesion, please.

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: I resent that, sir. I am a perfect angel. Now quiet, Sancho. These windmills won't slay themselves. *charges*

2011-05-22 [Paul Doyle]: Your broken-down donkey better stop farting!

2011-05-22 [Mystin]: LOL @ clone houses. Frankly my dear, if someone cares enough about this site to make a new house they care. They aren't coming back to raise hell they just want to contribute to the community and I in no way see that as wrong. I do have a problem with the person who does want to cause problems, yes.
I don't know how to respond to the other post. All I can say is this is an open-door wiki and your free to say whatever you feel about this community if it doesn't break any rules. This wiki is helpful, people just don't like being told the truth I suppose.

2011-05-22 [Mystin]: This wiki is no joke.

2011-05-22 [kians mummy]: usless comments will be deleted

2011-05-22 [kians mummy]: sorry [Mystin] didn't mean to delete your comment

2011-05-22 [Chimes]: Sammie, if you don't want useless comments, you might want to stop allowing random chat. :) That would probably stop people from writing useless comments.

2011-05-22 [Lord Josmar]: Exactly!!!

2011-05-22 [kians mummy]: there

2011-05-22 [Lord Josmar]: Lolz. Will not comment uselessly again.

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: I don't think the comments you deleted had even the slightest to do with insulting the crew.

2011-05-22 [Mystin]: It's ok, I'm here for the same reason you are, to have an open discussion not to just talk about randomness. Very good [kians mummy]

2011-05-22 [kians mummy]: thanks

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: "random chat is now allowed on this wiki, as long as it does not break the elftown rules or insulting to the crew manual wiki"

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: So basically, I can go ahead and type whatever I want, as long as I'm not breaking Elftown's rules or insulting this wiki?

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: Well, let's see here. What are Elftown's rules anyway?

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: Well, there's that one about not being an asshole.

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: But what is an asshole anyway? It's really all relative.

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: Seeing as how the crew generally deals with assholes

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: and they generally don't like you

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: I think it would be safe to assume I can mess with you without them considering me an asshole.

2011-05-22 [Mystin]: Hey listen, if your going to start insinuating that [kians mummy] or I am an asshole, kindly exit our wiki. I don't feel the need to give you an example about what is and what isn't acceptable on this wiki.

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: Oh? Just what is and isn't acceptable on this wiki?

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: And why do you think I'm insinuating you're an asshole? Is it because you secretly are one?

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: But anyway, like I was saying.

2011-05-22 [Mystin]: Let me just tell you straight, this is not bobs diner where you can act like a fool and go around insulting people. If that's your thing, take it elsewhere because [kians mummy] & I do not and will not deal with it. We will simply ignore your foul comments towards us or delete them.

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: Basically, without breaking the rules of either Elftown or this wiki, I can flood this place with useless comments.

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: I can probably get in a few thousand before Sammie logs back on.

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: I'm not being an asshole.

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: I'm not insulting this wiki.

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: And this is most definitely random chat.

2011-05-22 [kians mummy]: you will be reported after any useless comments are put under this comment.

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: But are useful comments still acceptable?

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: How does one define useful anyway?

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: I think you may need to clarify.

2011-05-22 [Mortified Penguin]: Otherwise, how can I tell if the comments I'm making are useless or not?

2011-05-22 [djxmonster]: Reported for what? Mort is following the rules.

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